Monthly Archives: June 2014


Let Evolve Financial Services Help Your Business Reach Its Maximum Potential

“My business philosophy is don’t wait for things to go bad before you make them better. You have to stay ahead of the curve, which plays into the idea of controlled risk. Always look for ways to improve. I like environments that are constantly changing because it keeps you sharp. It’s the same thing with skiing or biking. The environment is always changing and you have to be constantly vigilant and make adjustments to compensate for those changes.”  This quote by Todd Shapiro, Illinois CPA Society president, does a great job of summing up the philosophy with which Evolve Financial Services approaches our clients and their businesses. […]

By | 2017-05-18T13:34:40-05:00 June 20th, 2014|Business Growth, Mid-Size Business Accounting, Taxes|Comments Off on Let Evolve Financial Services Help Your Business Reach Its Maximum Potential

Flexible Work Benefits Help Attract and Retain Talented Employees

Attracting and retaining skilled and talented employees is crucial to the success of your business. While salary is a key consideration for most potential employees, some are willing to take less in salary in exchange for other workplace benefits. Offering these perks can also give you a competitive advantage in attracting the right employees. Providing the right benefits to employees can also improve employee retention and increase employee loyalty. Some perks can even help reduce operating costs. […]

By | 2017-05-18T13:34:40-05:00 June 5th, 2014|Business Growth|Comments Off on Flexible Work Benefits Help Attract and Retain Talented Employees